Selasa, 27 November 2018

Memiliki Suami Mualaf, Ovi Sovianti Sering melakukan Ini

Ovi Sovianti sudah resmi dipersunting oleh Franky Ilham Rorong pada 7 Oktober 2018 lalu. Sebelum menikahi mantan personil Duo Serigala itu, Franky memutuskan untuk memeluk Agama Islam dan menjadi Mualaf.

Meski senang sebagai pengantin baru, Namun bukan perkara mudah bagi Ovi Sovianti yang memiliki Suami Mualaf. Sebab, Ovi Sovianti harus mengajarkan dan membimbing suaminya untuk lebih mendalami agama yang sekarang dianut.

"Pasti beban lah. Suami (Mualaf) Bukan aku yang ajak, Memang dari Franky sendiri yang mau, Mau engga mau ya harus aku ajarkan semuanya tentang Agama Islam"ujar Ovi Sovianti.

Pada awal suaminya menjadi Mualaf, Ovi Sovianti mengajarkan Ilmu Agama terutama Sholat. Beberapa kali dirinya pernah sholat bareng dan diimami oleh Suaminya.

"Pas awal-awal banget jadi mualaf, ya aku ajarin sedikit sedikit terutama sholat. Sampai sekarang sudah sering sholat bareng"ucap Ovi Sovianti.

Sangat Beruntung, Sang Suami adalah tipikal orang yang ingin belajar Agama. Beberapa bulan menjadi Mualaf, Suaminya sudah bisa membaca Ayat Suci Al-Quran dan menghafal surat-surat pendek.

Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section. Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price. Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day. You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased. When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future. Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works. Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.


Sering Sambangi Rumah Angel Lelga, Fiki Alman Tak Pernah Izin Ketua RT

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Saat Vicky Prasetyo gerebek Angel Lelga, muncul nama Fiki Alman.

Pesinetron muda tersebut kedapataan tengah berada di kamar Angel pada Senin (19/11/2018) dini hari.

Menurut ketua RT di lingkungan Angel, Abdul Bahri, ia tak pernah berbincang dengan Fiki Alman yang kerap menyambangi kediaman Angel.

Pada malam penggerebekan itu, Fiki juga tak izin kepada Abdul sebelum menyambangi kediaman Angel.

“Izin sih enggak,” katanya.

Sebagai ketua RT, Abdul tak ingin terlalu mencurigai Fiki Alman dan Angel Lelga

“Kebetulan ngobrol mah engga, cuman kan kalau dia namanya artis ada urusan apa kan nggak tahu urusan mereka,” katanya.

Polisi Olah TKP dan Bawa Barang Bukti

Sementara itu, Selasa (27/11/2018) kemarin, selama sekitar 2 jam, petugas unit Kejahatan dan Kekerasan (Jatanras) Polda Metro Jaya melakukan olah Tempat Kejadian Perkara (TKP), di kediaman Angel Lelga, di kawasan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan.

Petugas datang sekira pukul 15.20 WIB, dan baru keluar dari rumah Angel sekira 17.40 WIB. Sayang, usai olah TKP sejumlah petugas tak ada satu pun yang memberikan keterangan untuk awak media.

Usai keluar dari kediaman Angel Lelga, petugas langsung menuju 3 mobil yang sudah disiapkan dan langsung meninggalkan rumah megah 2 lantai itu.

Demikian dengan si pemilik rumah. Angel Lelga tak terlihat saat olah TKP.

Abdul Bachri, ketua RT yang ikut serta dalam olah TKP tersebut menuturkan, petugas Jatanras memeriksa fasilitas rumah Angel yang rusak.

“Pintu saja (yang rusak),” kata Abdul ditemui usai olah TKP.

Tak hanya itu, menurutnya penyidik juga membawa barang bukti berupa potongan kayu. “(Kayu) dari yang dirusak itu. Yang ada di luar kamar,” katanya.

Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section. Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price. Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day. You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased. When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future. Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works. Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.


Ketemu di Pernikahan Baim-Paula, Zaskia Sungkar Elus Perut Ardina Rasti Agar Segera Dapat Momongan

WowKeren - Resepsi pernikahan Baim Wong dan Paula Verhoeven didatangi oleh banyak selebriti Tanah Air. Salah satunya adalah kakak beradik Sungkar, Zaskia Sungkar dan Shireen Sungkar.

Kakak beradik ini mengunggah vlog berjudul "Artis rela antri di resepsi Baim wong & Paula, siapa aja sih?" di kanal YouTube keluarga mereka. Kanal YouTube keluarga itu diberi nama "The Sungkars Family".

Dalam vlog tersebut, suami Zaskia, Irwansyah bertugas sebagai kamerawan. Sayangnya, suami Shireen, Teuku Wisnu tak bisa bergabung bersama mereka.

Zaskia menyebut pernikahan Baim dan Paula sebagai Royal Wedding yang kedua setelah pernikahan Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina. Pasalnya, ini adalah pernikahan selebriti kedua yang disiarkan langsung di layar kaca Indonesia.

Zaskia dan Shireen berniat untuk menemui sebanyak mungkin rekan artis mereka dalam pesta tersebut. Mereka menyapa banyak selebriti Tanah Air, mulai dari Ayushita, Arie Untung, hingga Sarwendah.

Salah satu selebriti yang disapa oleh kakak beradik ini adalah aktris Ardina Rasti. Rasti sendiri kini tengah hamil besar.

Setelah "cipika-cipiki", Zaskia menunjukkan perut buncit Rasti pada Irwansyah. "Yang, udah gede banget yang," ujar Zaskia pada suaminya.

Irwansyah langsung mengarahkan kameranya ke perut Rasti. Ia juga menanyakan usia kehamilan aktris tersebut.

"Wih, apa kabar," sapa Irwansyah. "Berapa bulan? Berapa bulan?"

Rasti mengaku bahwa usia kandungannya sudah memasuki 9 bulan. Ia pun menuturkan bahwa hari perkiraan lahirnya (HPL) tinggal seminggu lagi.

"Minggu depan, hahaha," jawab Rasti seraya tertawa. Irwansyah juga tampak menyapa suami Rasti, Arie Dwi Andhika, yang berdiri di belakangnya.

Ada hal yang menarik perhatian warganet dari interaksi ini. Saat kamera Irwansyah terarah ke perut Rasti, tangan istrinya tampak mengelus-elus kandungan aktris tersebut. Setelah itu, Zaskia mengelus-elus perutnya sendiri.

Diketahui, sejak menikah pada 15 Januari 2011 silam, pasangan ini memang belum dikaruniai momongan. Zaskia dan Irwansyah pun sering mengungkapkan keinginan mereka untuk segera mendapat keturunan.

Selain dari keluarga, dukungan juga datang dari kalangan warganet. Warganet sering memberi doa bagi pasangan ini di media sosial agar mereka segera mendapat momongan.

Interaksi Rasti dan Zaskia di pernikahan Baim - Paula juga disoroti oleh warganet. Mereka berharap agar kesabaran Zaskia dan Irwansyah dapat segera terbayarkan.

"Ada yg nyadar ngak, ka kia elus2 perutnya mba ardinarasti hbis tu di usap ke perutnya, smoga cpat punya keturan untk mba kia dan mas irwan," tulis seorang warganet. "'Elus2 perut' smoga kak kia ketularan kak rasti sm sarwendah.. hamidun. Aamiin ya Allah," komentar warganet lain.

Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section. Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price. Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day. You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased. When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future. Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works. Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.


Sarwendah Tidur 12 Jam Sehari Sejak Hamil, Ruben Onsu Ungkap Perjuangan Cari Susu - Ruben Onsu mengatakan bahwa kehamilan Sarwendah kali ini sangat berbeda dan bertolak belakang dari ketika istrinya itu mengandung anak pertama. Di usia kandungan yang menginjak tiga bulan, Ruben mengatakan Sarwendah kini lebih banyak tidur. Bahkan dalam sehari ia bisa terlelap hingga 12 jam.

“Perkembangannya sih sudah jalan 3 bulan lebih, terus sama sih hamilnya banyak tidurnya Wendah tuh. Ini jam segini dia tidur, entar bangun jam 4 setengah 5, melek sampai jam 8, jam setengah 9, jam 9, tidur lagi dari jam 9 malam sampai bangun-bangun jam 10 pagi," kata Ruben.

Meski begitu, suami Sarwendah ini mengaku sama sekali tidak merasa keberatan. Baginya yang terpenting hanyalah kesehatan ibu dan bayinya. Apalagi Sarwendah juga masih mengalami mual-mual yang membuatnya terganggu dan lelah.

"Ini jauh banget, ini bertolakan banget hamilnya Wendah sekarang. Samanya cuma muntahnya doang, muntahnya masih muntah terus, yang penting baby-nya sehat," kata Ruben di kawasan Tendean, Jakarta Selatan beberapa wakti lalu.

Demi membantu sang istri, Ruben sendiri memosisikan dirinya sebagai suami siaga. Ia selalu siap menyediakan apapun yang dibutuhkan Sarwendah. Seperti baru-baru ini ketika ia harus berjuang mencari susu hamil untuk mengatasi mual-mual yang dialami oleh Wendah.

"Kesulitan buat saya adalah mencari produk susu hamil. Ada salah satu produk, ampun gue nyarinya. Perasaan waktu Wendah belum hamil, di supermarket gue lihatan ada. Sampai swalayan 7 tempat dari sore sampai malam susu stok habis. Gue dapatnya di pasar pagi," terang Ruben. "Wendah bisanya susu itu. Waktu kemarin dibilang hamil, minum susu itu enggak muntah. Minum susu lain muntah. Ini susu sering banget di mata gue, gue nyari enggak pernah ada."

Tidak hanya itu saja, Ruben juga sempat menceritakan kesulitannya yang lain. Diantaranya ketika Wendah ingin makan buah pir kuning dan kurma. Namun dua makanan itu ternyata susah ditemukan.

"Gue langganan buah pir kuning, biasanya kita beli berdus-dus ada, sekarang satu biji aja enggak ada. Gila enggak? Waktu Wendah enggak hamil, kayaknya gue ketemu kurma terus, sekarang gue sengaja jalan ke sini enggak ada gue lihat kurma," pungkas Ruben.

Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section. Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price. Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day. You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased. When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future. Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works. Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.

Ayu Ting Ting Rilis Lagu Dangdut Terbaru, Bakal Sukses Gak Ya?

Pedangdut populer Ayu Ting Ting hari ini akan merilis single terbarunya yang berjudul Jangan Gitu Dong. Single ini sendiri akan mulai diputar di radio-radio Indonesia.

Meskipun saat ini sering menjadi presenter di acara tv dan akan rilis film baru, Ayu Ting Ting rupanya tak lupa dengan profesinya sebagai penyanyi dangdut. Pada 28 November 2018, ia mengumumkan bahwa lagu barunya akan diputar serentak di radio.

ayutingting92: “Hari ini ada yang baru loh! Penasaran apa?. Langsung aja dengerin radio-radio kesayanganmu sekarang juga dari pagi hingga malam hari ini. Karena lagu terbaru dari @Ayutingting92 "Jangan Gitu Dong" akan diputar serentak diseluruh radio-radio Indonesia.

Lagu yang upbeat dan bisa mengajak kamu bergoyang ini memiliki pesan untuk mengingatkan kita agar jangan pernah memandang orang dengan sebelah mata, dan mengingatkan kita juga bahwa karma itu nyata. Jadi, dengerin sekarang juga dan jangan sampai kamu ketinggalan update lagu baru #Ayutingting ini.

Semoga melalui lagu ini, Ayu dapat terus mewarnai musik dangdut Indonesia dan lagunya disukai oleh semua pendengar musik dangdut Indonesia.

#JanganGituDong #SingleBaruAyu #AyutingtingNewSingle #launchingserentak”

Ayu Ting Ting terakhir merilis album studio bertajuk Kamu Kamu Kamu pada Agustus 2017. Album tersebut memuat 10 lagu termasuk lagu hits Ayu sebelumnya yaitu Sambalado.

Semoga melalui lagu ini, Ayu dapat terus mewarnai musik dangdut Indonesia dan lagunya disukai oleh semua pendengar musik dangdut Indonesia.

Saat ini dunia dangdut sendiri banyak kedatangan penyanyi pendatang baru. Sebut saja Via Vallen dan Nella Kharisma yang banyak disukai. Namun masyarakat biasanya lebih fokus pada musiknya, jika memang lagunya enak atau catchy maka akan mudah disukai.

Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section. Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price. Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day. You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased. When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future. Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works. Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.


Hamil 3 Bulan, Ruben Onsu Sebut Sarwendah Jarang Masak Hingga Mual Jika Melihat Hal ini

Hamil 3 Bulan, Sebut Jarang Masak Hingga Mual Jika Melihat Hal ini

SRIPOKU.COM - Saat ini Sarwendah tengah menikmati masa-masa kehamilan calon anak keduanya.

Seperti yang diketahui, Sarwendah mengumumkan kehamilannya tersebut saat merayakan anniversary pernikahannya dengan Ruben Onsu.

Tak hanya itu saja, Ruben Onsu bahkan memposting sebuah test pack yang telah menunjukkan hasil positif (hamil) dalam lama Instagramnya pada Rabu (24/10/2018).

Dilansir dari, Ruben Onsu mengungkapkan kehamilan Sarwendah saat ini sudah memasuki usia kandungan tiga bulan.

Kehamilan mantan anggota girldband ini diakui sang suami berbeda dibandingkan saat mengandung putri pertamanya, Thalia Putri Onsu.

"Dikehamilan ini Sarwendah nggak bisa bau masakan, jadi bertolakan sama kehidupan Wenda gitu yang biasanya hobinya masak kesini kemana gak bisa gitu," ujar Ruben Onsu.

Jika sebelumnya, sehari-harinya Sarwendah suka memasak, kini justru sudah jarang memasak dan tak suka bau masakan.

"Kalo ada bau-bauan dapur dia gak mau, tapi kalo masakan di meja nggak masalah," kata Ruben Onsu.

Jika tanpa sengaja melihat menu makanan, Sarwendah akan merasakan mual.

"Terus kalo ke restoran nggak bisa lihat menu makanan yang ada makanannya. Iya, jadi aku omongin ada ini, ada ini. Dari gambar aja dia mual," sambungnya.

Kendati begitu Ruben pun mengaku lebih ekstra memperhatikan kehamilan sang istrinya, lantaran kehamilan ini berbeda dibandingkan kehamilan sebelumnya.

"Iya lebih perhatian lagi aja," tukasnya.

Kebiasaan Lain Sarwendah Saat Hamil

Baru-baru ini melalui akun Instagramnya, Sarwendahpun membocorkan kebiasaan barunya saat tengah hamil.

Hal ini seperti yang dilansir dari akun Instagram @sarwendah29.

Dalam keterangan fotonya, mantan personel Cherrybelle ini mengaku saat malas untuk memakai make up.

Bahkan saking malasnya, ia hanya memakai lip tint agar tak terlihat pucat saat menjemput putrinya, Thalia pulang sekolah.

"Ceritanya akhir2 ini males maximal bgt make up kalau bukan karena memang ada kerjaan atau syuting, akhirnya hari ini udah maximal bgt make up buat jemput anak dengan pakai lip tint aja biar gk bgtu pucet dan kalau kepegang anak gk berantakan nih bibir #SW #Sarwendah #Bumil #pregnant," tulis Sarwendah Jumat (2/11/2018).

Sontak postingan tersebut pun mendapat banyak reaksi dari warganet.

Melihat tingkah istrinya Ruben Onsu, membuat netter berfikir jika anak kedua Sarwendah adalah seorang laki-laki.


Kabar Kehamilannya Pertama Kali Dibocorkan oleh Dewi Perssik
Awalnya, kabar kehamilan Sarwendah ini pertama kali dibuat oleh pedangdut sekaligus sahabat Ruben Onsu, Dewi Perssik.

Selasa (23/10/2018), melalui instastory pribadinya, Dewi Perssik bersama suaminya, Angga terlihat membuat video berisi ucapan selamat untuk Ruben Onsu dan Sarwendah.

Dewi Perssik mengucapkan selamat karena Sarwendah kini sedang berbadan dua kembali.

"Selamat buat kak Ruben Onsu,atas kedua.Wendah selamat ya sayang semoga kamu bisa jaga kandungan nya selalu sehat, Allah selalu melindungi kamu", ucap Dewi Perssik.

Tak ingin berlama-lama Ruben Onsu pun membagikan momen saat dirinya dan Sarwendah mengetahui kehamilan kedua tersebut.

Ruben Onsu lah yang ternyata mencium perubahan Sarwendah di awal-awal kehamilannya itu.

Awalnya, Sarwendah hanya merasa kecapakan sehingga asam lambungnya kumat dan dirinya telat menstruasi.

Namun setelah didesak Ruben Onsu untuk memeriksa kehamilan dengan menggunakan tets pack, akhirnya baru diketahui bila Sarwendah tengah mengandung.

Tak menunggu waktu lama, Ruben Onsu pun langsung mengajak Sarwendah untuk memeriksakan kandungannya kepada dokter kandungan.

Kabar bahagia Ruben Onsu dan Sarwendah itu pun langsung dibagikan melalui chanel YouTube pribadi keluarga mereka, The Onsu.

Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section. Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price. Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day. You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased. When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future. Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works. Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.

Puji Maia Estianty Lebih Cantik dari Bella Hadid, Tata Janeeta Malah Dicibir dan Disebut Alay - Maia Estianty belakangan ini menuai sorotan setelah membagikan foto dirinya bersama dengan Bella Hadid. Dalam potret tersebut ia terlihat akrab dengan sang model Internasional. Sedangkan pada potret yang lain, Maia dan suaminya, Irwan Mussry juga tampak berbincang dengan Bella.

Postingan Maia tersebut langsung menuai beragam komentar dari netter dan juga sahabat artisnya yang lain. Salah satunya adalah Tata Janeeta. Menariknya penyanyi bersuara seksi itu mengatakan bahwa ibu tiga anak ini bahkan terlihat lebih cantik meski dibandingkan dengan Bella Hadid.

"Ko cantikan bunda @maiaestiantyreal kata aku mah sumpah," tulis Tata melakui akun Instagramnya @tatajaneetaofficial.

Namun sayangnya, komentar yang dituliskan oleh Tata tersebut menuai respon negatif dari netter. Banyak yang menganggap mantan personel Mahadewi ini terlalu lebay. Bahkan tidak sedikit yang menyebutnya tengah "menjilat" Maia agar lebih akrab.

"@tatajaneetaofficial pereezzz banget deh... itu cantiknya aja beda generasi, masing2 cantik disetiap generasinya / angkatannya, jadi orang klo muji ga usah alay ya Mba..," tulis @me***m. "Alay emang, setuju gw, jelas jelas cantiknya beda generasi, tapi komennya kayak gini, pengen karib ama bunda @maiaestiantyreal kali yaa jadi komennya selangit gini @tatajaneetaofficial aneeehh tapi kasihan yaa gk di tanggapi bunda mahh cerdas, tahu mana yg musti di tanggap," imbuh @sa***bora__.

Melihat beberapa komentar yang menuduhnya macam-macam, Tata tentunya merasa terusik juga. Ia kemudian memberikan penjelasan terkait komentar yang ditulisnya. Istri Mehdi Zati ini mengatakan bahwa cantik itu relatif.

"Astagfirullah.. Cantik itu relatif.. pengertian relatif khusus di photo ini bagi sy ga ada sangkut paut Sm generasi, bukan berarti mbak bela ga cantik Tp lebih cantik bunda menurut kriteria cantik menurut saya.. menurut sayahhh Loh ya.. Kalo Kita beda penilaian n pendapat wajar,kan tiap org punya mata n selera yg berbeda dan sah2 aja tiap org mau setinggi Apapun memuji org lain.. memuji itu Hal baik kan mbak dari pada membully... calm down mbak, mbak nya ga perlu seemosi itu menghakimi pendapat sy , ampun mbak ampun , Salam damai ya," tulis Tata.

Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section. Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price. Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day. You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased. When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future. Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works. Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.