"Menyatakan terdakwa Ahmadi terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi secara bersama-sama," kata jaksa Ali Fikri saat membacakan amar tuntutan di Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta, Kamis (22/11/2018).
Dalam pertimbangannya, jaksa menilai, perbuatan Ahmadi tak mendukung upaya pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Perbuatan Ahmadi juga dinilai menciderai tatanan birokrasi pemerintahan dalam penyelenggaraan negara yang bersih dan bebas dari korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme.
"Hal-hal yang meringankan, terdakwa belum pernah dihukum, terdakwa bersikap sopan selama persidangan, terdakwa menyesali perbuatannya," kata jaksa. Menurut jaksa, Ahmadi menyuap Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf sekitar Rp 1 miliar secara bertahap.
Menurut jaksa, pemberian uang itu agar Irwandi Yusuf mengarahkan Unit Layanan Pengadaan (ULP) Provinsi Aceh memberikan persetujuan terkait usulan Ahmadi. Ahmadi ingin kontraktor dari Kabupaten Bener Meriah dapat mengerjakan program pembangunan yang bersumber dari Dana Otonomi Khusus (DOK) Tahun 2018 di Bener Meriah.
Setelah permintaan itu disampaikan, Ahmadi menemui staf Gubernur Aceh Hendri Yuzal dan menyampaikan hal yang sama. Setelah itu, Hendri menghubungi ajudan Ahmadi, Muyassir, dan meminta daftar program atau kegiatan pembangunan di Bener Meriah.
Selanjutnya, pada Mei 2018, Hendri menemui Irwandi Yusuf dan menanyakan kepastian permintaan Ahmadi. Irwandi kemudian mengarahkan agar Hendri membantu Ahmadi mengenai pengaturan pemenang lelang.
Irwandi juga mengarahkan agar Hendri berkoordinasi dengan Teuku Saiful Bahri yang merupakan salah satu tim sukses Irwandi pada Pilkada Gubernur Aceh 2017. Menurut Irwandi, Teuku Saiful nantinya juga akan menerima uang dari bupati atau wali kota yang memeroleh program DOKA 2018.
Menurut jaksa, Irwandi memberitahu bahwa fee yang akan diberikan oleh Ahmadi sebesar 10 persen. Adapun, tiga kali pemberian masing-masing sebesar Rp 120 juta, Rp 430 juta dan Rp 500 juta. Pemberian uang melibatkan ajudan Irwandi dan beberapa orang lainnya. Ahmadi dinilai melanggar Pasal 5 ayat 1 huruf a atau Pasal 13 Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 sebagaimana diubah UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi jo Pasal 64 ayat 1 KUHP.
Basic Information Covering What An Affiliate Program Can Help You To Achieve
When you have your hyperlink you could add it to your website, include it in the resource box of an article or create a classified ads. Beware that some article directories do not accept direct links to affiliate program products so you may have to set up a redirected domain name to do this. This is easy to do by registering a new domain name with a site like Go daddy and typing in the product hyperlink into the redirect section.
Then you can add your new domain name to the article resource box and when the reader clicks on it they will go directly to the affiliate program product page. You can buy domain names for just a few dollars and if you go to the right site you can get them hosted for free. If you intend to have lots of websites and redirected domains a company like hostgator will host unlimited domains for a low fixed monthly price.
Once you have registered you can start shopping, just go to the marketplace section of the Clickbank site and type in a subject you are interested selling a product related to. There are many categories so you should find a product you like. You can list the products by popularity, commission earned per sale, commission percentage etc. Affiliate programs are very respectable, well atleast the ones that are operating properly each day.
You can promote as many Clickbank products as you like and in any way you like, if you take some time selecting the right products and promote them well you can make a tidy income. There are also programs available to buy where many Clickbank products have been grouped together in a mall and you just send visitors to your mall and you get commissions on anything that is purchased.
When you find a product you like the sound of, check the sales pitch page, if you still like it and think you can promote and sell it just click the ‘create a top hop link’ button and you will be presented with a hyperlink to that product with your nickname contained within it. Keep the hyperlink safe and print a copy to use in you promotion. Promoting items is the main ingredient to its success and it means all the difference in the world when it comes to your financial future.
Gaining all the information necessary for you to make this work is the key to your future business successes. It is very important to understand all aspects of an affiliate program before ever getting involved with one but trust me, there is really no way that you can be disappointed once you begin figuring out how all aspects of an affiliate program works.
Finding a career path that you could actually end up enjoying is so very important and unfortunately so many people just do not end up doing that. You can be happy with your career choice. Get involved with an affiliate program and start making all of your dreams come true right now.
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